Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Proposed Constitutional Amendment

Below is the proposed constitutional amendment relating to elections and the tenure of the executive board. The bolded sections are the proposal; the rest is the existing Constitution. We will be voting on this at our general body meeting next Tuesday.


Section 1. General.
During their terms in office, the Officers of LALSA shall be students who are candidates for degrees at Boston College Law School. Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Community Service/Social Activities Officer and Alumni Liaison. The regular term of office shall be one (1) year, and no person may hold more than one office at the same time, nor may one office be occupied by more than one person. The regular term of office shall run from October 15 to October 14 of the following year.

Section 8. Election of Officers and Performance of Duties
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Community Service/Social Activities, and Alumni Liaison, for any given year, shall be chosen in an election held during the Spring term of the previous school year.
In case any officer shall become temporarily unable to serve, the Executive Board shall collectively assume the powers and responsibilities of the absent officer.
In case any officer shall become permanently unable to serve, a special election shall be held for the purpose of choosing a person to serve during the remainder of the un-expired term. However, if a vacany has arisen after an election has been held during the Spring term, then the officer chosen in that election for the vacant position shall immediately assume the duties of that office.

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