Saturday, March 17, 2007


It is that time of the year and we are getting ready for LALSA's e-board elections. The elections will take place at our general body meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, April 3th in EW 400 at 12:30. At the meeting, all candidates will have the opportunity to make a short speech and LALSA members will have the opportunities to ask questions. VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE MEETING AFTER ALL SPEECHES ARE MADE. To vote, you must be a LALSA member (i.e. be in LALSA's listserv / receiving LALSA e-mails) and you must attend the meeting . There will not be absentee voting or any other method of voting.

The 8 executive board positions are listed below. To run for a position, you must be nominated by a LALSA member. Please e-mail your nominations to, including the person's name, position for which he/she is being nominated, and a brief statement of why he/she is being nominated. All nominations must be received by Monday, March 26, at midnight. On Tuesday morning, an e-mail will be sent listing all nominees and giving the nominees an opportunity to decide whether to run and, if so, for what position (each person can only run for one position). Those running for a position must submit a brief personal statement by Sunday, April 1st, at 5PM, explaining why they would be the best fit for the specific position - such statements will be e-mailed to LALSA members on the Monday prior to the election, April 3.


- All elected executive board members are required to attend a "LALSA Executive Board Leadership Meeting" on Wednesday April 4 from 9 - 10am.

- All candidates should keep in mind that LALSA Executive Board duties may conflict with semester-long study abroad or full-time clinical programs.

- The regualr term of office shall be for one (1) year and no person may hold more than one office at the same time.

The President. The President of LALSA shall have general supervisory power over the activities and business of LALSA. The President shall chair the meetings of the Executive Board and the meetings of the General Membership. The President shall have the power and responsibility to represent LALSA when and where the need arises and in doing so shall promote the goals, needs, and interests of the members of LALSA.

The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall have the power and responsibility of ensuring the smooth and efficient internal operation of LALSA. The Vice-President shall have responsibility and powers to provide academic support programs for LALSA which include, but are not limited to, LALSA's mentor/mentee program and the inviting of speakers of interest to Boston College Law School. The Vice-President shall have the power and responsibility of the President in the President's absence.

The Secretary. The Secretary of LALSA shall be responsible for the communication of information within LALSA. The Secretary shall have the powers and responsibilities of assuring that all LALSA members are aware of all the business and activities of LALSA. The Secretary shall send a weekly newsletter to the General Membership detailing LALSA business and activities. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance and distribution of minutes for all meetings of the Executive Board and of the General Membership and shall update the listserv when necessary.

The Treasurer. The Treasurer of LALSA shall have custody and control of the financial assets of LALSA and shall see that they are deposited in a financial institution approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall assure that entries are regularly made in the financial records and keep full and accurate account of all monies received and disbursed by LALSA. The Treasurer shall make regular financial reports to the Executive Board and the General Membership. The treasurer shall also maintain the LALSA services provided in LexisNexis.

Community Liaison. The Community Liaison shall co-chair the Community Outreach Committee with a 1L. Each Community Liaison shall work with the Admissions Office in recruitment programs to reach out to prospective students. The Community Liaison shall also be in charge of coordinating both community service and social activities. This will include activities with other area law schools and MAHA as well as coordinating outreach programs to the Latino community.

Professional Development Co-Chairs. The Professional Development Co-Chairs shall have the powers and responsibilities of creating and maintaining a professional informational network between present LALSA members and LALSA members that have graduated from Boston College Law School. The Professional Development Co-Chairs shall create and maintain a professional informational network with the legal community. The Professional Development Co-Chairs shall make regular reports to the Executive Board and General Membership concerning this network. The Professional Development Co-Chairs shall also advise 1Ls on job search, resume, and interviewing strategies.

Diversity Chair. The Diversity Chair shall co-chair the diversity committee with a 1L. Each Diversity Co-Chair shall be in contact with other group leaders to coordinate events together and discuss pertinent issues regarding race and culture in the law and in the community. The Diversity Co-Chairs shall be in charge of working with school leaders on the issue of diversity in the law school and shall also attend meetings on diversity in the law journals. The Diversity Co-Chairs shall also plan events for diversity month.

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